I have decided to host my blog on my own website located at nolits.com. You can now visit this link and it contains all other information of me and my works. Although its still a work in progress as we are populating the contents especially the art and photo galleries and other literature stuff. I think this will take forever. So it would be wise to visit our site from time to time to see any updates. There are other parts of the site which I am still undecided, like on how to manage the Phoney Talks and how to post all the essays and literature I have created. Also on how I will showcase the comics section. These are a lot of things that will surely keep me busy.
As for the blogspot, I am retaining it as a mirror from the main site which is hosted on my own nolits.com. You can view new entries as what I post on my own blog will be reposted on blogspot automatically. (fingers crossed) You can leave comments but don't expect me to answer soon as I will not be as active as I am on nolits.com.
That is for now. Catch you later.
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