(Unpublished article intended for Philwomenian in 1988)

Apathy has always been an obstacle to Social Development. In this world of conflicts, apathy is never absent, serving its own interest. Such a selfish path one would take.
Apathy is defined as one's avoidance to be involved in any struggle or conflict. Apathy include liberalism which follows the reconciliation philosophy. We all have heard people say "We must be fair, we must listen to both sides of the story, there is always right and wrong on both sides, If we could only get people to talk to one another and sort out their misunderstandings and misconceptions, conflict could be resolved." It sounds like a genuine concern for fairness and justice, yet later we will find out that liberalism stands for unprincipled peace.
We must take in mind that not all conflicts are based on misunderstanding and must be reconciled. In some conflict, one side is right and the other is wrong, one side is being unjust and oppressive and the other is suffering injustice and oppression. Thus one must take side. Being Christians, we are not supposed to try to reconcile good and evil, just and injustice. We are supposed to do away with evil, injustice and sin.
Neutrality is not always possible. In cases of conflict due to injustice and oppression, neutrality is totally impossible. If we do not take sides with the oppressed, then we are unintentionally taking sides with the oppressors. Since being neutral hides the nature of the conflict. The injustice continues and everybody is made to feel that the injustice doesn't matter because the tension and conflict have been reduced. It keeps the oppressed quiet and passive and brings about a kind of pseudo-reconciliation without justice.
It is wrong to assume that tension and conflict are worse evils than injustice and oppression. It only shows one's cowardliness to confront conflicts. They are those who are not convinced of the need for change and lack of hope. They rather flee to escapism from the realities of injustice and conflicts.
Thus, it shows that being liberal is being apathetic to realities, and being neutral is a way of siding with the oppressor. In a conflict if one side is right we must recognize this and side with them, just as Jesus sided with the poor. If the other side is wrong and in power, we must oppose them and dethrone them from power. We must realize the real root of many conflicts - The oppressive structure being implemented by the rich. God didn't actually hated the rich. What he simply meant, is that he wants to pull the rich and powerful from their thrones, from their position in the society, because the structures of the society are unjust and oppressive (Luke 1:52:53)
God said "Love our enemies." This does not mean for us to convert the rich and those in power to stop the oppression. The only effective way of loving our enemies is to engage in action that will destroy the system that makes them our enemies. In other words, for the sake of love and for the sake of true peace, we must side with the poor and the oppressed and confront the rich and powerful, and join the struggle against what they stand for and what they are defending.
Remember, God wants peace that is based on truth, justice and love and not the superficial peace and unity that compromise truth, covers over the injustices and that is usually settled on for thoroughly selfish purposes.
Advance peace based on social justice and not on apathy.
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