Wednesday, February 27, 2008
NOLIT ABANILLA, An Autobiography
NOLIT ABANILLA, An Autobiography
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal - An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.
The Birth
I first saw tha world on th third early morning of october. The year was 1969. As the candles of life starts to born, soft glitters fill the eyes of Lito and Let, both medical doctors and my proud parents. Their youngest son has finally witnessed the beauty of Tacloban city, the capital of the province of Leyte and a city sorrounded by all the glories which nature could offer.
I grew up in this boutiful neighboorhood, a perfect blend of greens and urban development. I was able to climb mountains during both rainy and dry seasons, explore the shells and colourful stones on beaches and discover the occasional waterfalls on mountainsides. I have also played with kids doing street games, go biking, hanging around construction sites, waddle on muds where a subdivision is being developed. I also went to one shcoo where I spent playing with the same kids for 11 years (kindergarten to high school).
The Philosophical Formation
After graduating from high school, I took a year in college majoring in philosophy. Although I was determined to be an artist and eager to study Fine Arts, I thought an artist has to have a firm principle in life before being able to talk about life itself. And besides, fine arts courses are not offered in Tacloban city and the political climate was intense in manila at that time (A year before Edsa Uprising).
After a year in AB Philosphy, I came to manila and immediately enrolled at PWU. At this point, I began participating in cause oriented activities. I formed student and your artists organizations. On my second uear in college, my participation to these activities were so intense that I decided to stop schooling nad dedicated my full effort in the progressive movement. I became a national secretariat of an AB-CBN - NCCP sponsored relief and rehabilitaion operations for various calamity victims such as earthquakes, floods , volcanic eruptions, etc.
I was also able to go to far flung areas and mingle with various people. I was able to stay with strikebound workers, living on the picketlines, farmers who picket the DAR offices, urban poor in makeshift shanties, etc. I was also able to talk to people involved with the underground movement, especially revolutionaries who stayed on the mountains as well as urban partisans.
But in 1994, there was a shake-up in the underground movement which eventually split into two: the reaffirmist (those who continue to believe in the rural to urban revolution - marxist-leninist-maoist line) and the rejectionist (military adventurists who believe in violent urban insurrection). This demoralized my enthusiasm with the organization which led to my quiting the movement. I have friends on both sides and it was difficult being in the middle.
The Artist
Even at a very early age, I knew I was going to be an artist. It was probably my mother's frustration of not finding time to develop her artistic talents which pushed me into this interest. Before going to school, my mother introduced me to all the mediums used in art. At school, I usually fill the pages of my notebooks with drawings.
I did my first exhibit fresh out of high school. This was with a group of artists in Tacloban City. Then I formed an art group which now had members nationally. This is called Lupon ng Nagkakaisang Artista or LUNA. I was able to organize numerous exhibits with this group. But I later quit the luna in 1994.
I worked as a freelance visual artist doing illustrations for campaign posters, (10 have graced the walls of metro manila), books, magazines, etc. I am currently illustrating for textbooks for grade school. I am also currently finishing my Fine Arts degree in college.
The Writer
There was a period in my life that I felt visual art as a very limiting medium. Since 1986, I was the artist of school paper (3 schools spanning 4 years). Being around with writers made me udnerstand the business and so I followed suit. I wrote short stories and articles which were occasionally published in these school paper nad in national magazines.
Then I worked for Virgilio Almario's Filipino Magazin as a features writer. My beat was on art and culture, frequently reviewing art exhibits. I stayed with the Filmag for 2 years before deciding to become a contributor instead.
The Musician
Finding visual arts and literature still limiting in expressing myself, I got into music. I was raised in a musical world with stereos blasting my ears, I learned how to strum a guitar at an early age. I later formed a band called LVNA, to serve as an outletfor my compositions. I was also able to play with popular bands such as Lolita Carbonm Agaw Agimat, etc.
In a pocket, this probably summarizes a chapter of my life story. At this point all I could say is that we are indeed heading to the right direction. I just hope its an easy way.
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Nice to know you, nolit. You are such a talented guy. Keep going. Okey! - Ms Tauro
Nolit, it was such a nice experience reading your entries. Good luck to all your undertakings. You have the talents. - Ms Tauro
Post note: There were more entries on the journal but I ended it here. I got a 100% grade from Professor Janet Tauro. Janet was our editor in chief int the school paper when I was 1st year in college in PWU. Since I stopped school and came back she became my professor. But she is really a good friend of mine together with her equally beautiful and talented sister who also became my co-staffer.
The Blanket
The Blanket
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal - An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.
A blanket is a witness of a lot of events which takes place in the bedroom. In a small house, a newly wed couple has just settled. One day, the wife discovers a blanket hidden in one of the closets in the bedroom. Recognizing it elegant design the wife decides to use it.
As the days pass, the wife began to experience strange things. She keeps on seeing a ghost of a woman whose face is scarred, seemingly crushed when she was murdered. She consulted this strange experiences to her husband, but he brushes it aside insisting that is is just a product of her imagination.
Until one day, a diary was found. This belongs to the ghost who kept appearing to the wife's vision. The diary reveals the horrific experiences of a woman who was raped by a frustrated suitor and was killed of strangulation using the elegant blanket the wife found. As the wife ended reading the story, the ghost appears and walks out of the house. This time the couple saw this and followed the ghost. The trail led to a shallow grave of a woman who was raped and murdered.
The husband and wife decided to report the corpse to the authorities for investigation. They later buried the remains of the murdered woman decently and with simple spiritual rites. The investigation led to the arrest of a man who was indeed a suitor of the murdered woman. And so justice was met.
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Good Story - Ms Tauro
Short Story Analysis
Short Story Analysis
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal - An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.
I wasnt actually able to read all of the short stories assigned to us. But I was able to browse on a few lines (the beginning and end paragraphs - typical of a short cut reader).
The Enemies was about a feeling which a man could experience during times of difficulties. There are indeed people like these . Its so easy to udnerstand these behaviour, but it is so hard to accept especially in a society when every hand is a great help.
The Secret Life was too long for me. But I think it was exciting. I thought it was action packed, Just like watching a show on TV. The scenes were described almost common to any tv show. Bit I couldn't have the time to actually catch the plot for I was in a hurry when I got hold of the copy of the story. Well, I might have undestood it better.
The Rose for Emily was a soft inspiring drama. It made me feel uneasy and somewhat apathetic, sympathizing Emily. But I understood the story much more by the way the group presented it. It made me feel unwanted like I am being the talk of the town.
The Capital of the World is hard to understand if you would read it straightfoward. It uses a style of alternating scenes. And it describes different settings, although under one roof. It was probably because the intention of the author to include various reasons for people to troop to the city and thier frustrations which made Hemingway use such style.
I still did not understand the Tunnel. Except perhaps of a vague idea, that it is so hard for a boy to grow up and face the challenges of life. Just like passing through the tunnel.
I would have understood the stories better if the group presented them well. Maybe the reason behind this was that I am tired and bored of reading classic literature.
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Group Evaluation
Group Evaluation
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal - An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.
It was really very hard to be affected by the way the goup portrayed their interpretations of the short stories which were assigned to them.
The first group to perform tackeld "the Enemies" by Anton Chekov. Presenting it with a mime complicated the message the group would like to partake. The audience was instead bewildered by what action the performer was doing. The explanation at the end of the presentation helped. It revealed the theme of the story which is: Man can be selfish, especially during times of crisis. At least, this is to my understanding based on what the group has presented.
The second group presented the story by using egg puppets. The idea of the egg puppets was indeed interesting. But the group presentation was really boring. I think it is beacuse the play was too long and one couldn't understand who from among the eggheads was actually talking. I didnt actually get a chance to udnerstand what each characted was. They seem to look alike (all eggheads).
The third group was far more better. It was presented by a play which is more attractive. I really felt the gloomy setting which covered the story by the way the group ortrayed. Especially the start where a funeral procession has passed by, and the last part which was the gloomy room of emily. It made the audience fell what emily's world was really.
The fourth group was our group. What can I say? It was the best "sock"ing experience.
The last group was a drag. This was so since there was a technical problem. I could hardly udnerstand the dialogues. It was more difficult to comprehend since the explanation cmae before the presentation. Passing through the tunnel was really an agony.
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Nice comments. Thanks! - Ms Tauro
Post note: This is an assignment when each group was assigned with a different short stories and they are asked to interpret it in whatever means they wish to. Our group used puppets made from socks and stocking which is why I commented it as such. My comments actually helped Ms. Tauro decide on what grades to give.
Literature Is Important or Relevant to Man
Literature is Important or Relevant to Man
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal - An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.
It is important to read and create literature, so that we could catch up with the fast pace of civilization. If man would disregard literature, he would easily forget his past, especially the experiences of his family or the history of his community. He may be committing the same mistakes which his ancestors undertook. This way, the development of the community would be slow.
In the development of a society, there must be the cycle of theory and practice. A theory cannot be implemented inta a plan of action if this is not based on the reality which took place before hand. And in this process a proper documentation is important in order to be accurate. This is literature.
For fictional literature, this form is important in reaching our areas which are blocked by the limitations of straight forward knowledge literature. This include abstract elements such as emotions. Literature is also important in uniting the people towards believing in one reality. J.S. Fichte once recalls, for a nation to beacome one, there must be common binding elements and one of these is literature.
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How I Am As A Reader
How I Am As A Reader
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal - An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.
The first book I ever read was Winnie The Pooh. This was a large picture book which I used to play like a toy tent before I could actually understand its purpose. Then there was the infamous "My Readers" which I think every kindergarten of that time got a hold. Since then I never stopped reading.
I usually read only the books that interest me. And this covers a very wide range of subject. The best book I read was Ideals and Ideologies of Modern Politics by Mark Hagopian. This is a collection of essays on various political lines. It helped me understand how certain groups of people picture the world. I also like the Origin Of The Family, Private Property and State by F. Engels. This helped me formulate my foundations of my philosophy in life which is basically dialectical materialist of some sort (a hybrid type as I inputed other factors). The best novel I read was J. Lacaba's Days of Disquiet Nights of Rage and Luwalhati Bautista's Dekada '70.
By reading a book, I learn how to fix cassettes and radios. By reading a book I am able to understand our history and our spiritual behaviour. By reading a book I am able to understand the twisted mind of the author. By reading a book I am able to decide wisely whether the author is telling the truth or is ther to decieve you (eg Plain Truth magazines). Whenever I buy an appliance or any other devices, I read the manual first, so as I could fully exploit the gadget's function.
But the book that I have never could put down are the Bible and the Dictionary. There was a time when I read the bible like a novel (page after page). But I haven't actually finished it. I also did this to the dictionary (which I learned is not an effective way of enhancing your vocabulary). I even read a foreign language book just to hear how the people speak that language, even if I could not understand what the book was all about (Really? - Ms Tauro),
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Good reading habits - Ms Tauro.
Post notes: I later learned that the bible should not be read like a novel as these are actually notes from several authors spanning several periods of time. One may be contradicting the other depending on the culture and their own understanding of things. I was able to aquire a claretian guide on how to read the bible and am doing well with it now.
The foreign language book I recall was a book I picked up from goethe institute - a german cultural center. As a fine arts student, I frequent these places along with many galleries around town.
My Insights On Literature
My Insights on Literature
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal - An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.
When I wake up in the morning, I usually start my day by reading the newspaper. Through the newspaper, I realize what's new, what are the views of other people, what's going on in our community or in our country in general, what's entertaining, etc. There are literature created by the authors in order to communicate and share to us whatever he or she knows or feel.
There are different kinds of literature. They may be truthful or fictional. Truthful are direct and accurate. They are specific and they feed our thirsty intelects. Fiction literature however are not accurate and true. They are products of our imagination. But still they are based on reality or our limited understanding of things. There is no such a thing as absolute fictious literature for it is impossible to describe or much more relate an experience or matter which we do not have any idea. How can a person describe a form which does not have any geometrical basis. Therefore, fictious literature are still reality twisted in a way that would intice our emotions or our way of thinking (especially science fiction) or entertain us.
Literature has been around since the birth of humanity. It is synoninous to communication. Literature also uses devices such as language and ulitizes mediums sich as direct speech, print, broadcast, etc.
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Monday, February 25, 2008
Search Me 4!
Notes: Since multiply has long been gone, all the links on this post
has also been dead. If you still need the files please search on
spotify, deezer, apple music or amazon Music. If they are not available
there and are already out of print do not hesitate message me on fb.
* I Updated the links. Enjoy!
Suzanne Vega - Days of Open Hand
Tired Of Sleeping
Men In War
Rusted Pipe
Book Of Dreams
Institution Green
Those WHole Girls
Room Off The Street
Big Space
Fifty-Fifty Chance
Furniture - Wrong People
Shake Like Judy Says
Love Your Shoes
Brilliant Mind
She Gets Out The Scrapbook
I Miss You
Make Believe I'm Him
Let Me Feel Your Pulse
The Sound Of The Bell
Escape Into My Arms
Answer The Door
Pierre's Fight
Eurogliders - This Island
No Action
Never Say
Maybe Only I Dream
Cold Comfort
Keep It Quiet
Nothing To Say
Another Day
Judy's World
Waiting For You
It's The Way
Electrafixion - Burned
Feel My Pulse
Sister Pain
Too Far Gone
Who's Been Sleeping In My Head-
Hit by Something
Bed Of Nails
Curt Smith - Soul On Board
Soul On Board
Calling Out
Beautiful To Me
Wonder Child
I Will Be There
No One Knows Your Name
Come The Revolution
Still In Love With You
Gary Kemp - Little Bruises
Standing In Love
Brother Heart
An Inexperienced Man
Little Bruises
Ophelia Drowning
She Said ...
These Are The Days
My Lady Soul
Roland Orzabal - Tomcats Screaming Outside
Ticket To The World
Low Life
Bullet For Brains
For The Love Of Cain
Under Ether
Day By Day By Day By Day By Day
Hey Andy!
Kill Love
Maybe Our Days Are Numbered
Howard Jones - Human's Lib
What Is Love?
Pearl In The Shell
Hide And Seek
Hunt The Self
New Song
Don't Always Look At The Rain
Human's Lib
China Dance
Richard Cheese - Aperitif for Destruction
Me So Horny (2 Live Crew)
People Equals Shit (Slipknot)
Welcome To The Jungle (Guns 'n' Roses)
Brass Monkey (Beastie Boys)
Let's Get It Started (Black Eyed Peas)
Man In The Box (Alice In Chains)
Been Caught Stealing (Jane's Addiction)
The Girl Is Mine (Jackson Mccartney)
You Oughta Know (Alanis Morissette)
Enter Sandman (Metallica)
Sunday Bloody Sunday (U2)
We Are The World (Usa For Africa)
Do Me (Bell Biv Devoe)
American Idiot (Green Day)
Add It Up (Violent Femmes)
Somebody Told Me (The Killers)
John Taylor - The Japan Album
01 The Panhandler
02 Air Miles
03 Coventry Carole
04 Hollow Victory
05 To Do You (John Lennon Says)
06 Good Reason to ---- Me
07 She's Not There
08 A-Anon
09 Getting Intimate
10 Down With U
11 Silent Skin
12 Fields Of Eden
13 Spirit Of The Times
14 American Muse
Tal Wilkenfeld - Transformation
Cosmic Joke
Truth Be Told
The River of Life
Oatmeal Bandage
Table For One
It's Called New Music
Bird's Fly (Whisper To A Scream) - The Icicle Works
African And White - China Crisis
Whatever Possessed You - The Care
Our Song - I Level
The Country Of The Blind - Faith Brothers
Who's That Girl (She's Got It) - A Flock Of Seagulls
You Don't Need Someone New - Lotus Eaters
Gentlemen Take Polaroids - Japan
Abandon Ship - April Showers
Big New Beginning - The Big Dish
New Music Perfect Rhythm
Stay With Me - Eight Wonder
Chamber of Hellos - Wire Train
1,000,000 - R.E.M.
Living On The Borderline - Smash Palace
Dance With Me - The Lords Of The New Church
Happy Birthday - Altered Images
Love My Way - The Psychedelic Furs
Every Word Means No - Let's Active
All The Same - A Drop In The Gray
White Men Cant Reggae - Bandung Baby
Bandung Baby
Been There Before
Deeper (Island Mix)
Electric Avenue
Fly Ay Ay
Hotel California
I Just Wanna Walk You Home
Khe Sanh
Magic Show
No Woman, No Cry
Run From The Lovin
Show Me
You To Me Are Everything
Studio Demos
Sa 'Yong Karanasan - Nolit Abanilla
Innosense - Nolit Abanilla
Atup - Nolit Abanilla
Halina Karina - LVNA
Bakas - LVNA
Butas Na Langit - LVNA
A Date with Luna - LVNA
Ingat Ka - Leowai
Iwasan Mo - Nolit
Dont Gamble Me - Teknika
You can Drink My Coffee - LVNA
Positive - Bersus (fet. Jet of Lvna)
Electric Eyes - Slide
Ilaw - Slide
Uwian Na - Slide
Cuando Calienta El Sol - Soundwaves
Vaya Con Dios - Soundwaves
Search Me 3!
Notes: Since multiply has long been gone, all the links on this post
has also been dead. If you still need the files please search on
spotify, deezer, apple music or amazon Music. If they are not available
there and are already out of print do not hesitate message me on fb.
* I Updated the links. Enjoy!
Michelle Shocked - Short Sharp Shocked
When I Grow Up
Hello Hopeville
Memories of East Texas
(Making the Run To) Gladewater
Graffiti Limbo
If Love Was a Train
The L&N Don't Stop Here Anymore
Black Widow
Fog Town
The Murmurs (1994)
Bad Mood
Wastin Time
Carry Me Home
You Suck
Ticket To Zen
Bumble Bees
All I Need To Know
Beautiful Peace
Lou Bonnevie
Rockin' The Beat
What A Fool I Am
Words & Music
I Need Your Love
I'm Every Girl
Happy Days Are Here Again
Our Dance
Excuse Me
Cry, Cry, Cry
Fire - Babae
Mag-Rock n' Roll (Na Muna)
Sige Na, Sige Na
One Of Them
Ganyan Lang Ang Pagsubok
Ang Barkada
The Vels - Velocity
Tell Me Something
Secret Garden
Cant You Hear Me?
Coming Attractions
Look My Way
Day After Day
Private World
Pinoy Wave
kayamanan - jellybeans
undergrad - dr. faust
diego - public domeng
ms. tsis - r18
seventh heaven - intensive care unit
muling nasa iyo - the shaft
bato sa langit - visceral organ
skalikasan - lvna
pagkalumo - the end
sa oras na - boycott
Dont Touch My 45s (Compilation)
Break My Stride - Matther Wilder
What's He Got? - The Producers
When Your Heart Is Weak - Cock Robin
China - Red Rockers
The Honeythief - Hipsway
My Oh My - Slade
Blue Kiss - Jane Wiedlin
Coming Up Close - Til Tuesday
Feel The Heat - Jean Beauvoir
Angel Say No - Tommy Tutone
Jungle Boy - John Eddie
Goodbye To You - Scandal
The Cutting Edge (Compilation)
Greetings To New Brunette - Billy Bragg
Generation of Loneliness - Rupert Everett
Graceland - The Bible
Everything (I Ever Wanted) - Fruits Of Passion
Little Ghost - Max
Protection - The Montellas
All The Way - The Mighty Lemon Drops
New Dreams For Old - The Room
Private Revolution - World Party
Dear God - XTC
Third Wave Vol 2 (Compilation)
Act Of War(Part Five) - Elton John & Millie Jackson
Dizzy (Love Me Tonight) - Be Wild
Dream Come True - Alone Again Or
Fault - Then Jerico
Hit that Perfect Beat - Bronski Beat
Just Me Alone - Twilight
Lose Your Love - Blancmange
More To Lose - Seona Dancing
Rescue Me - Zebra One
Vanity Kills - ABC
Roman Holliday - Cookin' On The Roof
Dont Try To Stop It
Motor Mania
Jive Dive
Midnight Bus
Cookin' On The Roof
Stand By
No Ball Games
Furs 'n High Heels
Serious Situation
One More Jilt
Jane Wiedlin - Tangled
Rain On Me
The End Of The Day
Guardian Angel
Flowers On The Battlefield
World On Fire
Paper Heart
Big Rock Candy Mountain
99 Ways
Tangled (Acoustic)
The Church - The Church
Unguarded Moment
Too Fast For You
For A Moment We're Strangers
Tear It All Away
Dont Open The Door To Strangers
Bel Air
Memories In Future Tense
Is This Where You Live
Fall Forever
Come With Me
Friends Of The Future
New Song
Another American Night
O Lazarus
Inside My Mind
Heaven By A String
Breathless Agony
Back To The Edge Live
Away - Alamid
Graceland - Alamid
I Melt With You - Alamid
Love Vigilantes - Alamid
More To Lose - Alamid
Reptile - Alamid
Sunday Morning - Alamid
Crash - halflifehalfdeath
High School Life - halflifehalfdeath
In Between Days - halflifehalfdeath
Killing Moon - halflifehalfdeath
Bullet The Blue Sky - LVNA
Butas Na Langit - LVNA
Desire - LVNA
In God's Country - LVNA
Streets Have No Name - LVNA
Sunday Bloody Sunday - LVNA
Bam - Sugar Hicup
Christine - Sonnet LVIII
Pearl - Sonnet LVIII
Slash Your Tires - Sonnet LVIII
The Comforts Of Strangers - Eulluvye
Neither One - Eulluvye
Now And Forever - Eulluvye
Shhh - Eulluvye
Skyscrappers of St Mirin - Sonnet LVIII
Dear Cory
Intro Chant/Dear Cory - Lokal Brown
Start With The Children - Lokal Brown
Isyu - Pol Galang
Buhay At Bukid - Buklod
Brutal Scar - Ethnic Faces
Bayang Inutang - Grupong Pendong
Tumindig Ka - Buklod
Tao - Pol Galang
If I Were President - Ed Formoso
Dahan Dahan, Hinay Hinay - Grupong Pendong
Wire Train - ... In A Chamber
Chamber Of Hellos
Everything's Turning Up Down Again
I Forget It All (When I See You)
I Gotta Go
I'll Do You
Love Against Me
She's On Fire
Everything's Turning Up Down Again
Cuando Calienta El Sol
I'll Be There
Oh Lonesome Me
Send Me The Pillow That You Dream On
Spanish Eyes
Vaya Con Dios
Pseudo Echo
A Beat For You
See Through
From The Shore
Stranger In Me
Dancing Until Midnight
His Eyes
Walk Away
Fast Cars
Destination Unknown
Belouis Some - Some People
Some People
Stand Down
Walk Away
Aware of You
Target Practice
Have You Ever Been In Love
Tail Lights
Then Jerico - The Big Arena
The Big Arena
Darkest Hour
Song For The Brokenhearted
Sugar Box
Under Fire
What Does It Take
Where You Like
You Ought To Know
Just Give 'Em Whiskey
Say You
The Moon Is Blue
Inside Informer
You Keep Me Hanging On
Edit The Dragon
We Walk Around The Streets
Arena II
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Live Review: Back to the Edge
Back to the Edge
August 30, 1995
Welcome to another chapter in the unfettered devotion of bringing Wave back into the concert scene. Mayrics and NU 107 joined forces for this effert - it was broadcasted live over where-else-but-yours-truly. Plans for me to go in full wave attire were ditched.. its not really a picturesque sight seeing yourself seated on a humble rattan chair in all that chong glory. Anyway, I went calss ordinaire wiht R N'R friends and one ol' waver buddy.
I got in late and missed the set of Smashed Little Creatures. Aw shucks! I was really hoping to see them play again... Hmmm.. better luck next time.
Days of Sirius followed next. The vocalist was quite perky. They covered Flesh for Lulu's "Postcards From Paradise" and the Church's "Under the Milky Waty." Pretty nice. However, their rendition of Depeche Mode's "But NOt Tonight" was sub-standard. I think it's really absurd to cover a song by a keyboard-based band without the keyboards. They also sang the wave anthem. "Melt With You." Thank you but I wish they played something more new from Modern English. How about "Pillow Lips" or "Beautiful People"?
Eullabye came next. Composed of Czandro and Russell of Sugar Hiccup and Dale of Sonnet 58. I really like this band. I think they're the best band to have come out this year. I'm not pretty certain about their song titles, though. If I'm not mistaken, they were "Of Strangers," "Neither," "Be The One," and "Shhh." They dished out drawn, ethereal music that could even rapture the Dream Lord. Well, its pretty obvious they were infludenced by those 4AD dream pop bands. I was already entralled and up in the clouds when suddenly I came down with a crash.. Czandro asked, "Gising pa ba kayo?" Shessh. That kind of lousy question made them very much out-of-character considering the type of repertoire they performed. Stick to the show lads.
Next came the shoegazer music by Sonnet 58. They played Luna's "Slash Your Tires" amd Ride's "Twisterella." I'm not really familiar with those tuned but Apat said they played it brilliantly. They also played a couple of originals. Their "unhades" had a Big Country sort of intro. One other original, "Pristine," is one of my personal favourites - nice drums. Best of all was their rendition of the Mighty Lemon Drops' "Out Of Hand." Outstanding.
Luna (the local band, dummy!) followed suit but I wasn't able to watch their set - I needed fresh air terribly because cigarette smoke was everywhere and it was torturing my eyes. So I joined other friends outside. Within range I heard them play U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday." The band could have chosen better songs to cover.
Half Life Half Death also played. What's so great about this band is the undying spirit they radiate from every performance. They have passion. Not all bands possess that virtue. Nice going lads.
The last two bands were Sugar Hiccup and Alamid. I was not able to watch their repertoire because my nightowl nemesis signaled me to return to my nest. Yes, my other self. Well, it was quite a memorable night. I just hope there will be more nights like this. More nights like the Awakening series. More nights of pure catharsis. More nights of wave. The chapters will go no.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Bersus - Bersos Versus Bersus

Berus - Unang Sargo
Batang X
Bumper To Bumper
Fighting Spirit
Isang Retiradong Gulong
Lagi Kong Nalilimutan Hindi Mo Na Ako Mahal
Lagpas Kalendaryo
Promotion 2000 (Awit Kay Jannette)